Hello, my name is
Navjot Singh
And I'm
A Web Developer and Machine Learner, Passionate about new technologies, algorithms and problem solving.
A Web Developer and Programmer
  • Email:snav.jot5454@gmail.com
  • Specilization:Web Development & Machine Learning
  • Degree:B.Tech C.S.E.
  • CGPA:8
  • Freelance:Available
I am a self-motivated, quick learner and flexible enough to respond to any problems that comes up and currently doing my Bachelor in Computer Science Engineering from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. I desire to work as an Intern in any organization.
Java 85%
Python 75%
Data Structure & Algorithm 80%
Machine Learning 90%
Data Science 75%
OpenCV 75%
FLask 70%
CSS 80%
Vanilla JavaScript 90%
JQuery 80%
ReactJs 80%
ExpressJs 70%
MySQL 80%
Excel Clone
Tech Stack: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML/CSS and Graph & Stack
• Created a cross-platform Spreadsheet applicatioon using electron that could run on Linux, Mac and windows.
• Used Jquery, HTML and CSS for UI and adding functionalities to our app.
• Used Graph Data Structure to implement excel Formula
Jarvis Assistance
Tech Stack: JavaScript, Puppeteer, Voice Recoginition and ExpressJs
• Developed a Jarvis Assistance to make the daily routine easy and faster using JavaScript, Speech Recognition, Puppeteer and Express JS.
• The user can start the Jarvis by click on the start and then click on the mic and speak operation they want to perform like write a mail for you, arrange a Google meet, what’s the time and different functionalities as well.
Camera App
Tech Stack: JavaScript, JQuery, Canvas and MediaQuery
Created a camera and a gallery application that demonstrates the functionalities of a camera in context of a progressive Web App.
• Used Media Query to capture video stream from a webcam, Canvas to capture a frame and put it into an image.
• Used canvas to add image filters and implement functionalities like zoom in and zoom out
Hand Detection for Shredder Machine
Tech Stack: Python, TensorFlow, OpenCV and Deep Learning
• Developed a software for Head Detection using Faster R-CNN Algorithm for the worker in the scrap industry to prevent accidents while using Shredder Machine.
• The Model is trained on 5,000 images for 2 different classes captured in the industry itself.
Face Recoginition for Criminal Detection
Tech Stack: Python, Tkinter, OpenCV and Machine Learning
• Developed a software using Tkinter, OpenCV and Machine Learning Models to build a face recognition software to detect criminals in images and videos, noting theirtime of occurrences.
• Using DBSCAN Clustering and LBPHFaceRecognizer fortraining the Model.
BigMart Sales Prediction
Tech Stack: Python, HTML/CSS, FLask and Machine Learning
• Build a web application using Flask to find out the sales of each product at a particular store using Machine Learning Algorithms and deployed it on cloud using Heroku.
• Implemented whole life cycle of Data Science Project- Data Validation, Data Preprocessing, Model Building, Hyperparameter Tuninig, Prediction and Deployment.
Technical Content Writer at Medium, I publish technical article in the field of Data Science and Machine learning. Author at Analytics Vidhiya, The Startup and AI in plain English.
What is K-Means Clustering
Published in Artificial Intelligence in Plain English
Clustering is similar to classification but the difference is we don’t know what are we looking for. Clustering means grouping identical data into clusters or segments. We use a clustering algorithm to find out the similarity and to classify the data into different clusters.
What Is Naive Bayes?
Published in The Startup
Naive Bayes is a classification technique based on an assumption of independence between predictors which is known as Bayes’ theorem. In simple terms, a Naive Bayes classifier assumes that the presence of a particular feature in a class is unrelated to the presence of any other feature.
Random Forest
Published in Analytics Vidhya
Random Forest is a supervised learning algorithm. Like you can already see from it’s name, it creates a forest and makes it somehow random. The forest it builds, is an ensemble of Decision Trees, most of the time trained with the bagging method.
Support Vector Machine
Published in The Startup
Support Vector Machine is a supervised machine learning algorithm.The goal of the SVM is to train a model that assigns new unseen objects into a particular category.
Decision Tree Regression
Published in The Startup
Decision Tree is a supervised machine learning algorithm and it is one of the popular machine learning algorithm. It is a tree like structure constructed on the basis of attributes/features . Decision Trees is the non-parametric supervised learning approach.
K Nearest Neighbors
Published in Analytics Vidhya
KNN falls in the supervised learning family of algorithms. K nearest neighbors is a simple algorithm that stores all available cases and classifies new cases based on a similarity measure.
Logistic Regression
In linear Regression, the goal is to find the best fit line that can accurately predict the output for the continuous dependent variable.Linear Regression predicts the probability of outcome can exceed 0 and 1 range but the probability range is 0 to 1 it means that the parts of the line that are above y= 1 and below y=0 does not make any sense in reference to logistic regression.
Support Vector Regression
Published in Analytics Vidhya
The goal of the SVM is to train a model that assigns new unseen objects into a particular category. It achieves this by creating a linear partition of the feature space into two categories.
Decision Trees Classification
Published in Analytics Vidhya
Decision tree is one of the most popular machine learning algorithms. It is basically tree like structure constructed on the basis of attributes/features . Decision Trees is the non-parametric supervised learning approach.
Linear Regression
Published in Analytics Vidhya
Linear Regression is one of the most simple Machine learning algorithm used for solving regression problems. It is used for predicting the continuous dependent variable with the help of independent variables.The goal of the Linear regression is to find the best fit line that can accurately predict the output for the continuous dependent variable.
Get in Touch
Navjot Singh
New Delhi, India
Message me